Thursday, October 29, 2009

Almost Famous Authors Faire Nov. 7

The Almost Famous Authors Faire is the place to be on Nov. 7th if you are a reader! There will be 45 authors of various genres (both local and from out of state) that will be on hand, thus far, and applications are still coming in.

Come on out and visit with the authors, make this event a smashing success so that it will be held each year and draw more and more authors, and take home a cherished, autographed book or novel (or two).

This event is free to the public and takes place at the Galt House. They hope to see many Germantown residents attending. For full details, please check the website:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

October SACC Newsletter

The October SACC Newsletter is now available at the neighborhood website.

Some exciting events are coming up the first part of November. The neighborhood cleanup day is scheduled for Sat. Nov. 7th. The SACC volunteers will concentrate on Hoertz and Hickory Streets, between Burnett and Goss Avenues.

The 2009 #1 Citizen dinner is Thursday, Nov. 12th.

Remember we have a new website design. So, on the home page, look to the right and click on "newsletter" to bring up the October version.

Then spend some time checking out the winners of the prizes at the dog walk. You'll find that heading on the home page in the left column.

Click here: